Thank God

I guess I haven't been owing God His dues lately. He really has been gracious in my life. I don't always acknowledge all the blessings He's given me because I'm too busy looking at what I think He's withholding from me. So today I would like to do just that: to praise Him for what He has done.

This month marks 3 years since I broke ties with my ex, who was very detrimental in my life. Everything about that relationship was destructive, and I am glad to say he is no longer in my present life. There were several times when I tried to permanently let go of him on my own strength, but he always found a way back in through my weakest points. It wasn't until I started Recovery that I was able to use God's strength to finally sever the ties on that relationship for good. God did the work that I wasn't able to do myself. And for that, I am grateful.

There have been several disappointments in my life, some of which have come in the form of unrequited love. There were several guys that my heart clung to, and I thought if I could just get their approval, I would get the validation I needed and would no longer have to feel so incomplete. But God allowed all those relationships to never happen because He had something better for me. He taught me that I didn't need the approval of men to give me the security I could only find in Him. He taught me that I was already complete and whole in Him.

It seems that at every stage of life, we are asked to let go of our dreams. Singles let go of the dreams of their Knight and Shining Armor, marrieds let go of their dreams of what they're spouse is supposed to be like or their desire for their spouse to complete them, and parents let go of their dreams of how their children are supposed to behave or become. We are constantly forced to let go of our dreams and expectations to make room for what is. And again, I thank God for this because I know half of my dreams never would have brought me the satisfaction I needed, and if they had been fulfilled, I could be miserable right now.

Something I have learned in singleness, unemployment, and being away from family is to trust. Trust, trust, trust in Him. He is constantly guiding my footsteps, and they never go where I think they will. Ever. But God has a good plan, and He will lead my down paths of everlasting love. Thank God!


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