God's Masterwork

God doesn't throw out our prayers. He cares about the details of our lives. If there's something you're praying for over and over, and it's still not being answered, take comfort in the fact that God does care, even if He seems far away. He is working out the details of your life through the circumstances you're currently in. 

If there's someone who can pray with you, invite people in. Don't assume that people won't be interested in your prayer just because they're not struggling with the same thing. You'd be surprised how much people care and want to know your struggles. They want to share theirs too and know that they're not alone. 

You may wonder if there's ever an end to your suffering. There is. There always is. Sometimes it takes days, months, or years. I was unemployed twice for a matter of six months, and God provided great job opportunities that have built the career of my dreams. I was single for years, and God provided a sweet, godly man when I thought all was lost for me. Whatever your situation is, God will see it through. 

He turns tragedy into triumph, evil into good. He redeems us through our suffering. He changes our hearts to reflect His. He uses our hard times to develop us. He is not finished with your story yet. Don't give up. There is a plot turn just around the bend. Leave things in His hands and let the Creator do His masterwork. 


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