Finding Security

I used to find my security in what people thought of me. It made me afraid to screw up, afraid to say the wrong thing, afraid of humiliation or rejection. Basically, I was scared alot, and it left me feeling isolated and disconnected from people. But "God's perfect love casts out all fear." That's right, I don't have to be afraid, and you don't either.

We think it's wrong to feel good about ourselves, like we are being arrogant or conceited, but there is nothing righteous about feeling insecure. It takes away who God made us to be. He calls us to be secure in His identity of us. It is okay to feel secure and confident in yourself.  It doesn't make you selfish as some folks would have you believe.

God made you in His image. He made you to be beautiful and confident and good. Satan will tell you lies, like "you're not good enough" or "you're damaged goods," but these are simply not true. It's easy to get caught up in the opinions of others because they're more tangible than God's thoughts. But stay in His word, and you will hear the echoes of His voice saying, "you are perfect in My sight" and "you are redeemed."

We can find our security in Him alone because unlike with people, there is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from His love. No matter how many times we screw up, say stupid things, offend somebody, humiliate ourselves... God still accepts us just as we are. Even if others don't. Even if we don't.


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