Letting Go

Letting go is so hard to do... even when we know that severing the ties will take us in a new direction. When we let go of the negative relationships in our lives, God will provide better ones. It's so hard to let go even then.

I don't like letting go, but I do like new direction. I am standing in God's way by holding onto relationships that only bring me down. I have learned far too well that holding onto stale relationships takes me nowhere. Why hold on out of guilt? Why hold on to please people rather than let go and let God bring me His best? Why continue to let people control your thoughts and feelings?

I choose to let go. Letting go has only brought me higher. It has brought me to better places, and over time, those negative people are in my past and no longer in my present. They can no longer stress me out. They can no longer manipulate and control me.

I've tried to fix relationships on my own. I have tried all I could to get people to change, to reason with them, but they still choose to see things their way. All I can do is let go and take my hands out of it and give those people over to God. I have tried to mend what was broken, but it takes two to reconcile. If the other person chooses to stay the way they are, I cannot keep myself in an unhealthy situation. And that is not selfish, that is self-respect.

I choose self-respect over self-destruction. Even if that person doesn't understand, you have to do what's right for yourself. You have to choose to please God over pleasing people. You are not responsible for how people respond. You are only responsible for yourself.

It took me forever to get this... and I'm still trying to understand. But I'm starting to get it now. And I'm beginning to see that the only way out is to walk away and allow people to change on their own. If it takes years, so be it. I know I will be walking towards God. I know He will use this situation to grow me and the other person. I know He will mend the relationship in His own timing in His own way.

But I can't keep allowing people to speak negative words into my life and tearing me down. I have allowed them to do that for far too long, and I am much wiser than I used to be. People can choose to see me in whatever distorted reality they perceive, but God's opinion matters more, and He speaks truth into my life.  I refuse to be treated that way anymore. God has shown me a lot in the past three years. And He has shown me that it is okay to walk away.

It's all in His hands now. I surrender.


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