Idols Exposed

One of the hardest things about learning more about God's Truths is that our idols start to look less appealing. We start to see them for what they really are- imperfect, full of flaws, and truly unfulfilling. At once, we thought these idols would complete us, make our lives better. Now they seem so... dull. They've lost their luster and shine. It's like meeting a celebrity you looked up to for so long and then realizing they're not a good person on the inside. It's disappointing to see that the Wizard of Oz is just a man behind a screen. We feel cheated, betrayed, wronged! How could we go on living so blinded and deceived for so long? How could we believe that these idols were once so great and then see them come crashing down when compared to the Truth? It's like growing up and finding out that Santa Claus isn't real. Your parents have been lying to you all this time. And you fell for it. The magic is gone.

On the bright side... we no longer have to depend on those idols for support. We no longer have to worship them or build our shrines around them. We can build a better life built on the sturdy foundation of Christ, the perfect Savior.


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