God Doesn't Withhold

Ever feel like God is holding out on you?

I think we've all felt that way at one time or another. Like He has chosen to ignore our prayers or He purposely doesn't answer them, and somehow we think He's punishing us for some sin we did. It's easy to think this way because maybe at one point our parents held out on us out of punishment for something we did wrong, but we have to remember that our Heavenly Father never withholds anything that is good for us.

He promises to bring all things to good. He promises to provide for our needs. And sometimes we think we need something when we really don't. Or maybe there is something that we need that God isn't answering, like our health or a way to pay the bills. Sometimes God chooses not to heal, but He still promises to use all our situations for good, even the bad situations. I always think I trust Him until He takes away the one thing I think I need. That's when my faith is tested.

I feel tested lately.

Luckily, I do have my health and a way to pay the bills. But He has chosen to withhold from me one thing I thought I needed. I'm tempted to think it's my fault, that I did something wrong, but God has forgiven my sins, and He has no need to punish me. He simply decided that what I wanted wasn't right for me, and I have to trust my Father that He knows what's best.

Sometimes my current pathway isn't easy, but I am learning from this test. Maybe in hindsight, I'll understand God's plan. Maybe down the road it'll make more sense, but for now, I'm forced to dive into scripture and learn this hard lesson, and that's exactly where I need to be.

You see, God isn't withholding from me. He's given me the exact thing I need most: Himself.


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