Catching Up

No work tomorrow. 15 minutes til Bible Study. And plans to hang out with friends tonight.

I'm taking a moment to reflect on life for awhile. I started writing on my book again. With a full-time job, it gets hard to make time for my true passions and hobbies, but I try to keep it on my to do list (that thing just gets longer and longer). I have my first LAUNCH weekend for AMTC this month, and I am both nervous and excited. Something that seemed like a dream is now becoming a reality. I will be practicing for the SHINE event in acting and songwriting.

I'm also seeing my boyfriend this weekend!!! And staying at my old apartment in Austin... how nostalgic. It was a year ago that I went on my mission trip. In only two months, I will have been in Houston for a year now. Crazy!

My trip to Tennessee was very good. It gave me perspective on my life. Long drives can do that. I made a list of plans for the rest of my life. I gave up making plans a long time ago because God kept thwarting them. Now I'm deciding to make plans again, and if He wants to mess them up, fine with me. Atleast I feel somewhat in control of my destiny when I make them.

Some days I get tired of the status quo. I want to already be at my goal. I want to be published, signed, certified, etc. But God speaks to me in these slow times, He chisels me and works through me. He is teaching me the art of forgiveness and of not becoming unglued. He is teaching me to take care of my thoughts and how to follow Him even when I don't have a big Christian social life like I did in Austin. He is showing me how to witness to my friends (so not an easy task). Friends who have known you your whole life are less likely to take your advice seriously. They have seen you in your best and worst- why would they listen to anything you have to say? Ah well. I still try. I guess that's how Jesus felt when his own hometown wouldn't listen to him.

Well, I'm off to see the wizard (Bible study, that is). Catch you on the flip side when I write another blog in a month!


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