30 Things To Do Before I'm 30

Okay, so I may not tackle all these before I'm 30. I should probably just call this my Bucket List, but you get the idea. 
  1. Go skydiving.
  2. Go skiing or snowboarding.
  3. Perform my songs.
  4. Go on a mission trip abroad.
  5. Become fluent in a foreign language.
  6. Build a house.
  7. Submit my writing for publication.
  8. Travel alone.
  9. Visit the East Coast.
  10. Build a garden.
  11. Learn to swing dance.
  12. Build a life-size snowman.
  13. Ride in a hot air balloon.
  14. Learn to surf.
  15. Run in a marathon.
  16. Bike in a marathon or for a good cause.
  17. See a rainforest.
  18. Learn how to effectively meditate.
  19. Sleep under the stars.
  20. Stay up all night and watch a meteor shower.
  21. Walk across a roped bridge.
  22. Sail a boat.
  23. Climb a mountain/cliff.
  24. Go skinny dipping (with my husband, of course!).
  25. Teach a Bible study or lesson.
  26. Share my testimony with an audience.
  27. Learn to play piano.
  28. See an elephant in its natural habitat.
  29. See the Northern Lights.
  30. See a tornado.


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