Following Your Dreams

Hey dreamers out there!

We took a personality test when we started the WDP, and one of my highest ranking traits is Dreamer. It's just what I am and what I do (and also a recurring theme in my blogs).

I've been in pursuit of my dreams since high school and college, but it wasn't until the real world hit that I realized how hard it was to reach them. I have fought for them and given up on them, but they still remain, ready to be untapped.

Now that I seem to be on the verge of accomplishing one of my long term goals since high school, I am overwhelmed with fear and impatience. Strange how when it's just in my reach, suddenly I become afraid of taking that first step. Suddenly I want things to take their time. It's when things are right in your grasp, but barely in your reach that you want to grab them and go for it, but then fear tells you to slow down.

But then there's that exhilarating feeling of "wow, I can actually do this" that makes your dream so much more alive, and all of a sudden life makes sense and possibilities seem endless.

And then tomorrow happens. And the next day. And the next week. Here's the thing, just when we're on the brink, our hearts start fluttering faster than our feet can keep up with. We are forced to slow down and enjoy daily life (this is why it's important to find happiness within and not from your circumstances). We are tempted to give up when things aren't happening quickly, but the Universe is just preparing you for what's to come. If we were to become overnight success, we would be in over our heads with such a drastic lifestyle change. And reaching your dreams really is a lifestyle change. We are used to living our lives in the daily grind while dreaming of a better life during quiet moments. We are not used to living out our dreams and facing the fears that come with it. For isn't it the avoiding of our fears and staying in comfort that keep us living in the daily grind? We are not used to living our dreams because we refuse to face our fears.

The slowness of our dream allows us to face those fears with steadiness and grace. We are being prepared for battle, to fight to live the life we were meant to live. Obstacles will always threaten to slow us down, but they are for our good and sanity.

Keep dreaming, fighting, and plugging away. And put your faith in the one God that makes all dreams come true in His own right timing. 


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