The Cost of People Pleasing

Today I was reading through 1 Samuel 15, where Saul disobeys God by keeping livestock from his enemies instead of completely destroying them like God asked him to. When Samuel confronts him, Saul denies it. Here is what the Bible says:

Then Saul finally admitted, "Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the Lord's command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded." 

Saul was afraid of the people and did what they demanded.  In modern days, we call that a people pleaser. After his confession, here is what Samuel tells him: 

"Since you have rejected the Lord's command, He has rejected you from being the king of Israel."

Ouch! What a high price to pay just to please some people and gain a few cows! He lost an entire kingdom and gained nothing! If only he had just risked the rejection of those people and obeyed God, then he would be named king. But he lost God's best plan for his life in the name of making people like him. 

When I realized how much Saul had lost to pleasing people over God, I wondered just how much I have lost to pleasing people. Seeking approval has been a lifetime struggle of mine, one that I had to go to Recovery for because it almost destroyed my life, or at least my sanity. God had a better plan for me, and I destroyed it by disobeying His commands in the name of approval.

It isn't worth it to please people. If pleasing God means experiencing rejection from the world, yet still receiving God's best for my life, then the pain of rejection is far worth it to receive His Kingdom. Why would I trade God's plan for the cheap price of temporary affections? Yet Satan toys with our heart's yearnings day in and day out. 

The cost of people pleasing is high. Too high. It's not worth it to be accepted by people if it means disobeying God. Don't make that mistake like I did too many times. Don't give up an entire kingdom for a few cows. I can tell you, it's not worth it. And I'm sure Saul would agree.

Keep this in mind the next time you have a choice and people are making demands from you that disagree with God's plan. If you feel pressured into giving in, just remember, God has something better to offer you if you just sacrifice receiving that temporary approval for one moment. 


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