Hopes for My Future Husband

I wrote this over a year ago, and I think I hit the jackpot with my current boyfriend.  I don't know what exactly God has in store for us, but I'd say He matched my hopes with this one.  God has taught me alot about true love in the short 3 months of our relationship and has healed me of brokenness from past relationships. Here are my hopes for my future husband, whether it's my current boyfriend or not:

I hope my future husband knows I can't fulfill him because I'm going to fail to live up to his expectations time and time again.

I hope my future husband is seeking God right now and is doing everything in his power to seek his satisfaction in Him and not in me because I will not always be able to satisfy.

I hope that my future husband wants to be a good father because I want him to love our children well.

I hope that he has good values because without those, our marriage will crumble.

I hope that he is a strong man because I need a man who can lead me and our family in the way of Truth.

I hope he can be patient with me because I am not perfect, nor do I ever plan to be.

I hope he doesn't expect me to always be beautiful because I don't care about being beautiful in the morning.

I hope he understands that I'm human. I make mistakes. And I'm always going to be that way.

I hope he has a pure heart.

I hope that he likes me just the way I am because this is all I can be.

I hope he is not an angry person because angry people scare me.

I hope he can open up to me and be vulnerable about who he is.

I hope he wants to spend time with me and talk to me. I hope he doesn't rely on physical affection for our only intimacy.

I am a real woman, and I hope he treats me as such.

I hope he can be gentle with my past hurts and understand that I haven't had a perfect past. I hope he can relate with me, and I hope he gives me what no other man has given me before, and that is real, passionate love that lasts. Not the fake crap.

I deserve a man who is real. Who isn't just fixed on the outside or the facade. I need a man who will be real and honest about who he is. I hope he can be gentle with me and is sensitive to my emotions. I need a man who gets his strength from God so he knows how to treat a woman.

I want a man who wants to know the me on the inside, who cares about the me on the inside, who directs my eyes to God and not on himself, who leads me, who is strong, who is not flirting with the sensual side, who is real, who will protect me.

I need a guy who finds me interesting when I am not showing off. I need a guy who is attracted to me JUST THE WAY I AM. I am not looking for a guy who needs to feed his ego. I am not looking for a guy who needs to fulfill some unfulfilled desire in himself. If that's what he's looking for, then adios.

On the flip side, I know as a future wife, I need to be able to reciprocate these qualities.

To know that my future husband can't fulfill me like God can.

To seek God and find my satisfaction in Him.

To cultivate good values and have patience for whatever baggage my future husband may come with.

To not expect him to look sharp 24-7, but to also think he looks handsome, even with morning breath.

To understand he is human and makes mistakes.

To like him just the way he is and not expect him to be Prince Charming.

To open up and be vulnerable about who I am.

To talk to him and get to know him, to not rely on physical affection for our only intimacy.

To treat him as a real man. 

I can't control who God will bring into my life, but I can control who I become as a woman and who I'll be as a wife. I don't expect my husband to be perfect, but I do expect him to treat me as a godly woman. And I know I need to become a godly woman to invite that man into my life.


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