Spring Break

Today starts my pseudo Spring Break. My mom is off from school, and my dad took off from work, so I decided to take a mini break and spend time with them. It seems that even though I'm unemployed, I am busier than ever. Working towards my dreams. Working towards making a better life. Building gardens. Cleaning out my garage. Taking my time.

For the past 6 months, I've been unemployed, 5 of those months living at home.  I've adjusted somewhat to the slower pace of life, but still missing my social life in Austin, not to mention my church. And the greenery. And the smallness of that city compared to Houston. Let's face it, there's alot I miss about that city. Who knows? Maybe God will take me back one day.

But back to my point... (was there a point?) life has been different since I moved here. It's been sooo nice to have my family with me, especially in these difficult financial times. God has graciously answered my prayer for time to work on my dreams, and work I have done. Constantly. I actually had to learn how to give myself breaks. I had to get used to not having a boss standing over me to tell me what to do. I had to learn self-discipline to actually get done what I needed to do. I finished a whole novel in the time that I was unemployed!

I even took a ski trip. And met my current boyfriend/dating partner/man friend (???). It feels weird to use the word "boyfriend," but I guess that's what he is. It's been nice to finally date for real again. To actually consider 'can I marry this person?' It's strange. I was used to singleness. Now I can't imagine going back. But if I had to, I know I could survive. It's been a grand adventure. And a learning experience. It's been easier than I thought it would be.

It's nice to slow down and reflect on it all. To see how much my life has changed since I moved back. And I do believe it has changed for the better. Not to say that God won't move me away again because I feel that He will at some point. I feel I will get to travel alot in the future. But I am so very grateful for the past 6 months.

What's really crazy is how my life here looks different than it did when I formally lived here after college, pre-Austin. It's better because I'm healthier on the inside. I have better relationships- with myself, others, and God. Those people who hurt me before don't get to treat me the same way they used to. I know how to face things now. God did a good work in me. I know how to make a better life for myself, take responsibility, and focus on what really matters in life.

Yes, it's been a good break from the work force. I know God has good things in store. Although I am able to work towards my dreams, it doesn't make the road easy. Paving is a long process. You have to cut out the weeds first. Then smooth out the rough spots. I'm somewhere in the middle of all that mess, and sometimes I feel like giving up, but I know when I get to the destination, I will look back today and be glad I did the hard work.

All this is just to say that I decided to slow down for a few seconds to enjoy it all. I'm taking a week long break to soak it all in. Even though I have alot of "work" to do, there comes a time when you just have to enjoy life as it is and look around. Take in the scenery. Enjoy the journey and spend time with your parents. Sit down and sip your coffee. Read a book under a blankie. Stay in bed for a little bit longer. Be grateful for the many blessings God has given you.

And there are many blessings. I encourage you, reader, to have your own Spring Break. To give yourself time to relax and kick your feet up on the desk and just breeeeathe. Let God do the thinking, the planning. He does a better job of it anyway.

Now to enjoy the rest of my Spring Break.


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