The show must go on!

Sometimes I find myself in a waiting period of life, waiting for God to give me an answer or direction. I have about 20 options in front of me, and I wish I could take all of them, but nobody has that kind of time. God works slowly sometimes, and I am a restless being that thrives on movement. I am forced to be patient and wait. So I have taken up the Bible for some wisdom on this topic.

Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!

It's during the waiting periods when I feel crushed in spirit that I need the most courage to carry on. It is so tempting to despair, but I have to keep pressing onward. When life is too much to bear, the show must go on.

May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace!

It's hard when our prayers aren't answered, and we must keep praying in faith that He will answer in His best way. We have to trust that He knows what's best for us, and our plans our futile... even when they seemed like the best plan for us. God sees ahead of all time, and He knows what's best. I am tempted to question His wisdom- "are You suuure that was the best route for me, God? Because that other one seemed pretty good."  Alas, life is not in our hands. We can build up a mansion of hopes and dreams, and God can knock it down any second, only to build a tower with bigger hopes and dreams.

For You are my rock and my fortress; and for Your name's sake You lead me and guide me.

Although things don't always go perfectly, I am excited to see what God does with my "misfortunes" or unanswered prayers. I am excited to see how God uses this struggle for a better purpose. He always has a good plan in mind. Looking forward to what lies ahead.


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