My Role Models
I was going to write a post about my mission trip, but I am still processing that on my own. In the mean time, I will continue where I left off on Donald Miller's Storyline Exercises. In Exercise 3, we are to list our role models and their characteristics we would like to cultivate within ourselves. These character models can be pioneers in our industry, parents,
grandparents or fictional heroes from stories. They can be living or
dead, friends or complete strangers. I had a bit of fun with this exercise and got to know myself and my inner goals just by picking out my role models. Here they are:
1. Nick Vujicic
The effect his story had on the world: Nick is the founder of Life Without Limbs, an organization whose mission is to "cross boundaries and break down barriers, to build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found in Jesus Christ." Nick has gone all over the world, even to the prisons of Columbia, to declare the gospel of Christ and the hope that is found in Him.
Challenges he had overcome: Born without arms or legs, Nick has overcome many physical challenges, learning how to scuba dive and surf- things that people with all their limbs can't even do! He also overcame social challenges of being teased for his disability as a kid and spiritual challenges as the devil tempted him to commit suicide in his youth. Nick doesn't let his "disability" get him down, and he lives a happy, fulfilled life traveling all over the world to share his story.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: I absolutely love his charm and likeable personality. I would give anything to have his faith and endurance, to travel around the world sharing my story and the gospel of Christ. Nick doesn't seem to have a bitter bone in his body. He doesn't focus on his limitations or pout about what God hasn't given him. Instead, he uses what God has given him and loves people of all races and personalities.
2. Benjamin Franklin
My roommate makes fun of me because I have a bust of old Ben on my shelf. She thinks I want to marry him or something, but that's not why I admire him so much, and I'll have you know that the bust is actually a piggy bank with his quote on the back, "A penny saved is a penny earned." I understand this probably doesn't make me any less of a goober for having it.
The effect his story had on the world: Well let's see... electricity... I could pretty much stop there, but there is a whole host of things he has done for our country (which ultimately effected the world). There's a reason his face is on our hundred dollar bill, people! He was the main catalyst in getting our independence from Britain, not to mention he was one of the founding fathers who signed the Declaration. He formed the first library and fire department, invented stoves and bifocals, and was deemed "The First American" for his value on colonial unity. He was also an influential writer and heavily involved in improving society in America.
Challenges he had overcome: Ben didn't graduate from high school, nor did he attend college. He actually stopped attending school at age ten and started working at the family business. But since he was mistreated by his older brother, he left the business and his roots in Boston at age 17 to strike out on his own in Philadelphia. In these days, it was a far venture since he could only reach his family by letter, and he traveled by foot and boat. But he managed to find a job and worked nonstop, bypassing peer pressure to drink on the job like others and ended up more productive than his co-workers, eventually starting his own business. He also overcame much controversy over his writing, but he never let the opinions of others destroy his ambition or ideas. There's your history lesson for the day.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: I love that he was so involved with society and making a difference, and he was such an innovative thinker that most of his inventions and ideas are still being used today- more than 2 centuries later. Instead of complaining about problems, he found a solution, and he wasn't afraid to share his ideas and implement them. I also love that he never lost his ambition even as he got older. He continued to make a difference and was talented in many different aspects. I hope that I can keep my drive as life goes on, to be the solution to the problem, and to use my god-given talents to serve my community.
3. Joseph (son of Jacob)
The story of Joseph is one of my favorites in the Bible, which you can read about in Genesis 37-50.
The effect his story had on the world: His story shows how to trust in God even in the most difficult of circumstances because "what man meant for evil, God used for good."
Challenges he had overcome: He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and falsely accused of raping Potiphar's wife and placed into prison, where he was placed in charge of the other prisoners and eventually promoted to Pharaoh's highest official. This allowed him to help his brothers out later during a famine- the same brothers who had sold him into slavery.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: No matter how unfair his circumstances were, Joseph never catered to bitterness or blame. He continually rose above his injustice and thrived in his difficult circumstances. I can only hope to have the same confidence and integrity that he has, no matter how hard life becomes.
4. Julie Andrews
The effect her story had on the world: Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music (need I say more?)
Challenges she had overcome: She came from a broken family with an alcoholic stepfather who tried twice to molest her (thankfully failed). They were consumed in poverty and moved around alot because of her parents' careers in show business. At eleven, her mom told her that her dad that she loved was not her real father, and she was saddened every time she had to leave his house to live with her passive, depressed mother. When she met her biological father, she had no interest in building a relationship with him.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: Julie worked hard at her talents and career and valued the real art of singing and acting. She was not in it for fame or fortune but did it for true passion and love for the art. She was always true to herself and valued hard work, climbing steadily to the top of her career and giving us beautiful characters in our beloved films. Even with a broken past, she has a pleasant demeanor and is great with people. She is honest and endearing and has a strong sense of self-respect. I love the way she carries herself well, despite her difficult childhood.
We were supposed to come up with five, but I honestly couldn't come up with another one. Next we will analyze the roles that we play in life. Stay tuned!
1. Nick Vujicic
Challenges he had overcome: Born without arms or legs, Nick has overcome many physical challenges, learning how to scuba dive and surf- things that people with all their limbs can't even do! He also overcame social challenges of being teased for his disability as a kid and spiritual challenges as the devil tempted him to commit suicide in his youth. Nick doesn't let his "disability" get him down, and he lives a happy, fulfilled life traveling all over the world to share his story.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: I absolutely love his charm and likeable personality. I would give anything to have his faith and endurance, to travel around the world sharing my story and the gospel of Christ. Nick doesn't seem to have a bitter bone in his body. He doesn't focus on his limitations or pout about what God hasn't given him. Instead, he uses what God has given him and loves people of all races and personalities.
2. Benjamin Franklin
My roommate makes fun of me because I have a bust of old Ben on my shelf. She thinks I want to marry him or something, but that's not why I admire him so much, and I'll have you know that the bust is actually a piggy bank with his quote on the back, "A penny saved is a penny earned." I understand this probably doesn't make me any less of a goober for having it.
The effect his story had on the world: Well let's see... electricity... I could pretty much stop there, but there is a whole host of things he has done for our country (which ultimately effected the world). There's a reason his face is on our hundred dollar bill, people! He was the main catalyst in getting our independence from Britain, not to mention he was one of the founding fathers who signed the Declaration. He formed the first library and fire department, invented stoves and bifocals, and was deemed "The First American" for his value on colonial unity. He was also an influential writer and heavily involved in improving society in America.
Challenges he had overcome: Ben didn't graduate from high school, nor did he attend college. He actually stopped attending school at age ten and started working at the family business. But since he was mistreated by his older brother, he left the business and his roots in Boston at age 17 to strike out on his own in Philadelphia. In these days, it was a far venture since he could only reach his family by letter, and he traveled by foot and boat. But he managed to find a job and worked nonstop, bypassing peer pressure to drink on the job like others and ended up more productive than his co-workers, eventually starting his own business. He also overcame much controversy over his writing, but he never let the opinions of others destroy his ambition or ideas. There's your history lesson for the day.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: I love that he was so involved with society and making a difference, and he was such an innovative thinker that most of his inventions and ideas are still being used today- more than 2 centuries later. Instead of complaining about problems, he found a solution, and he wasn't afraid to share his ideas and implement them. I also love that he never lost his ambition even as he got older. He continued to make a difference and was talented in many different aspects. I hope that I can keep my drive as life goes on, to be the solution to the problem, and to use my god-given talents to serve my community.
3. Joseph (son of Jacob)
The story of Joseph is one of my favorites in the Bible, which you can read about in Genesis 37-50.
The effect his story had on the world: His story shows how to trust in God even in the most difficult of circumstances because "what man meant for evil, God used for good."
Challenges he had overcome: He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and falsely accused of raping Potiphar's wife and placed into prison, where he was placed in charge of the other prisoners and eventually promoted to Pharaoh's highest official. This allowed him to help his brothers out later during a famine- the same brothers who had sold him into slavery.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: No matter how unfair his circumstances were, Joseph never catered to bitterness or blame. He continually rose above his injustice and thrived in his difficult circumstances. I can only hope to have the same confidence and integrity that he has, no matter how hard life becomes.
4. Julie Andrews
The effect her story had on the world: Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music (need I say more?)
Challenges she had overcome: She came from a broken family with an alcoholic stepfather who tried twice to molest her (thankfully failed). They were consumed in poverty and moved around alot because of her parents' careers in show business. At eleven, her mom told her that her dad that she loved was not her real father, and she was saddened every time she had to leave his house to live with her passive, depressed mother. When she met her biological father, she had no interest in building a relationship with him.
Characteristics I appreciate and would like to acquire: Julie worked hard at her talents and career and valued the real art of singing and acting. She was not in it for fame or fortune but did it for true passion and love for the art. She was always true to herself and valued hard work, climbing steadily to the top of her career and giving us beautiful characters in our beloved films. Even with a broken past, she has a pleasant demeanor and is great with people. She is honest and endearing and has a strong sense of self-respect. I love the way she carries herself well, despite her difficult childhood.
We were supposed to come up with five, but I honestly couldn't come up with another one. Next we will analyze the roles that we play in life. Stay tuned!