Lord Come Quickly

There are days like today when I feel distressed with all the suffering that goes on in the world. Why am I drawn to read about these things? I feel it's good to know what is really going on in this world. It's good to know where God's light needs to shine.

I am tempted to be angry at God for allowing the suffering to happen. I was reading Redeeming Love on my lunch break today and literally started crying in the coffee shop- bawling my eyes out- because although it is a fiction book, I know there is sexual abuse going on in the world today, some of it even worse than what I was reading about. Sometimes it's hard to believe that a loving God would allow that, but I know about God's sovereignty and how He uses our suffering to bring us closer to Him.

You are the Wise One, Lord, not me.

I am also getting involved with Redeemed Ministries, which was founded in Houston and is launching another chapter in Austin. They work to stop human sex trafficking, and I did my first investigative research yesterday, and it disgusted me to know what goes on in the "spas" and "massage parlors" that surround us in buildings you would never guess would host these atrocities. I am beyond disgusted, and I want to go into all these brothels and pull these girls out, give them a good bath in some Holy Water, and then read the Bible to them and share the redeeming love of Christ.

My God, there is so much need in the world and not enough people to heal them. I guess that's why there's Jesus.

God is so much bigger than me. He can handle the sight of all this pain. He can handle all our cries and sufferings much more than we can. He carries it all on His shoulders, and I can barely handle my own load, much less someone else who is going through some real suffering. The human soul was not meant for all this pain.

Lord, come quickly.


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