Theme of My Life

Looking at the previous exercise, I have discovered 3 recurring themes in my life: People, Places, and Passions. I will go into further detail here:

People: Relationships have always been very important to me, and discovering my one true love has been an ongoing journey. It seems I have found my one true love in Christ, but I am still in search for my earthly husband. Because of my value for people, I have been hurt deeply by those I gave my heart to. I have built walls to keep people out, but my desire to connect with others trumps my fears and pushes me to open up. It has been a lifetime journey learning how to relate better with others and build lasting relationships. Letting go has never been my forte, but I have learned that some people can be detrimental to my growth, and letting go is sometimes the only way to become all that God wants me to be. I can't wait for the day when God finally blesses me with the most intimate of relationships and gives me a husband and family of my own with whom to spend the rest of my life with.

Places: Travel is such a deep desire of mine, and I hope one day to travel the globe with my significant other and leave our "normal" lives behind. I enjoy being on the move and discovering new cultures, experiencing incredible landscapes, and photographing architecture. Living away from home has always provided growth in my life, and I enjoy exploring the unfamiliar. I hope one day I can make a career out of traveling, or at least let it be a large part of my life. Hopefully my future husband enjoys traveling as much as I do!

Passions: I am a dreamer by nature and ambitious to a fault. I am unafraid to dream big and unable to dream small. My passions have been a large part of my life, starting when I was a kid, and my journals are filled with lists of goals and all the things I wanted to be and do. Coming from an artistic family, I have created everything from floor plans to stories to businesses, and I will never stop until I finally see those dreams come into fruition. There were times in my life when I abandoned my passions and stopped believing in them, and those were the darkest times in my life. Following my dreams is a must for me- it keeps me alive- and I believe that one day God will use them for His kingdom. Every day of my life is dedicated to living out the purpose He set out for me since the beginning of time.

What do you think the theme of your life is? Are you living according to your deepest values? If not, what can you do to change that? In our next exercise, we will analyze what our futures will look like if nothing changes as it is today.


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