Redemption Through Suffering

Negative Turn #1- Having your boyfriend of 4 years get a girl pregnant is not the ideal way to end a relationship, but it's the only way I would have let him go at the time. Being attached and naive, I couldn't see the warning signs of his bad character traits. That shocking incident opened my eyes to his true nature and allowed me to let go of a relationship that was long past its due date. As harmful as it was, I'm glad God didn't allow me to marry him because he wouldn't have made a very good husband (or possibly father). Redeemed!
Negative Turn #2- My biggest negative turn of all time was my difficult relationship in college. It took me away from my true self and values and affected my self-esteem. But in the midst of it all, I turned to God for strength and love in a way that I never would have without that suffering. I cannot regret what the Gospel has done for me through that situation. Redeemed!
Negative Turn #3- The real world was a negative turn for my career in the beginning. I couldn't do anything with a Fashion degree in Houston except work in retail, and I felt like a failure. But through it all, I discovered what I'm really passionate about. I enjoy hands-on work and building relationships with my co-workers, and I learned to find my identity in God and not in my job title. Those things can always be taken away, so there's no real security in it anyway. Learning that has allowed me to find real success and move towards my real passions. Redeemed!
Negative Turn #4- The unrequited love I briefly discussed in my previous post was somewhat of a negative turn. Finding a guy who I finally trusted, admired, and had so much in common with but couldn't be with, after years of damaging relationships, was pretty hard on my already fragile self-worth. I put a lot of effort into winning his approval, and I eventually had to leave the situation and let go of him, which was extremely hard as I realized how deeply embedded my attachment was. Being forced to let go allowed me to see that he could never provide the validation I so desperately needed, and I later learned to find that validation in Christ. If God had allowed that relationship to happen, it would have caused much disappointment and disillusionment. I found something far better than what any earthly man can offer. Redeemed!
Negative Turn #5- Coming to Austin and having everything I depended on stripped away from me was at first a very negative turn. I had already settled in my hometown when I decided to leave, and I was struggling with all sorts of insecurities. Being away from home only exacerbated those issues. I was in and out of jobs and found myself living off of unemployment checks and food stamps, but God used that time to take me through Recovery, volunteer at an art ministry, and work at internships to figure out what I really wanted to do. God showed me that He could provide in the most difficult of circumstances, and I learned about His true, loving character. I can now always trust Him no matter how hard things become. Redeemed!
Negative Turn #6- Having God close the door on several love interests and remaining single at 28, while my close friends get married and start families, has proven to be a difficult challenge. God has provided great women in my life who understand this struggle and provide Truth when I start believing in the world's lies that I need a husband to be happy. Although I still want to be married, God has used my singleness to allow me to heal from past destructive relationships, to grow closer to Him, and to find my self-worth outside of a man's approval. God is continually growing me in this area, and I'm learning to further place my trust in Him. Redeemed!
It seems that all my struggles have provided some sort of redemption in my life. After seeing this, it leaves no room for regret or resentment. God has used every situation for His good, and He will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
Speaking of finding redemption in negative turns, I wasn't offered the job in Tomball that I mentioned in a previous post, so it looks like I'm staying in Austin for the time-being. There was a part of me that hoped to return home (or atleast have the option to), but another part of me knew it may not be the right choice at the moment. I've no idea what God has in store, but as we can see, every event works out for His good. All I can do is surrender my control and trust His every move.
What kind of positive can you find in your own difficulties?