My Life Timeline

Using our Backstory and Redemptive Negative Turns, we are now to list them in chronological order and rate them from 1-10 on how positive or negative they were. Then we transfer them to a timeline and find a recurring theme in our life. Here's my life in chronological order: 

1. Leaving home for the first time for college proved to be harder than I expected but was good for my self-confidence and attaining my goals. I loved being a student, living in a college town, and having my independence.  Positive: 7

2. My boyfriend got a girl pregnant. Very harmful but good that it happened. Would not want to experience that again. Negative: 8

3. Got involved in a worse relationship that still affects me today. Will never experience that again. Negative: 10+

4. Majoring in Fashion Design. At first, this seemed a useless degree, but I am finally using it with my current job, and I just may start my fashion business after all. Positive: 5

5. Moving to Houston after college. After a painful relationship, I needed the love of my family to provide a safety net and get me back on my toes. I enjoyed living at home and being close to family. Positive: 10

6. Traveling to Europe. 'Nuff said. Positive: 10+

7. Working in retail may have sucked but I enjoyed the people I worked with and learned what I love to do. It also may help me in the future if I decide to start my fashion business after all. Positive: 4

8. Unrequited love interest. Although I never could express my feelings to him, I will never regret meeting him. He inspired me in so many ways. Positive: 9

9. Moving to Austin and joining the Austin Stone. So much good has come out of this, despite it's hardships. I will never regret the lessons I learned here. Positive: 8

10. Unemployment sucks. Negative: 4

11. Going to Recovery. Cannot begin to describe the benefits of this program. Positive: 10

12. Volunteering for Imagine Art and interning for designers. I met so many great people who healed me, and I rediscovered my passions. Positive: 8

13. Going to Alaska. Best vacation EVER! I did alot of healing/thinking/praying on this trip and enjoyed hiking through the mountains. Positive: 10

14. Getting the job I have now has been a true blessing, and I am finally doing something I love. Positive: 9

15. Women's Development Program. Learned so much about the sufficiency of Christ and other doctrine I never learned in church. Grateful for the powerful Truths I learned in this program. Positive: 8

In my next post, I will find a recurring theme in my life. Have you found a recurring theme in yours? Stay tuned!


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