My Life Currently

Things I am up to lately:

  1. Preparing for my mission trip. It is exactly a month away, and I still don't feel prepared. But I am uber excited to return to Europe. Ohh, how I miss that part of the world. 
  2. Perusing travel websites. Sheesh, I know I'll be traveling in a month, but it can't get here fast enough, and it's hardly a vacation. My travel bug is biting so hard lately.  I'm so tempted to drop everything and run, but money becomes an issue at that point. Yes, I know I can work abroad, but I have a few things here that I want to work on before completely dropping them. With that said...
  3. Recording a demo. Actually, I haven't recorded yet, but I will be soon. Getting into the music industry is alot of work, don't you know. But the more I do it, the more I realize how much I love it and that I actually can do it.
  4. Learning about forgiveness.  Just about everyone has something painful that has happened in their past, but do they know how to let these things go? Very few do. So I've opted to learn how, since I know that life will always be filled with hurts and pains. It's good to learn about these things now, rather than let them fester as we grow older. 
  5. Writing merrily away on my book. Every time I think I'm close to the end, I come up with a better idea. This noggin is just chock full of them, but it's exciting to discover and create new worlds in my writing. I can't wait to share this stuff with the world. 
  6. Thinking about dating. I say "think" because I'm not actually "doing." But hopefully I will be soon. I feel like I am emotionally and mentally ready to start dating again. So if you know any eligible bachelors, send them my way.
  7. Trying to decide whether I want to move home or not. This July marks 3 years since I've moved to Austin, and my lease comes to an end. I still have yet to decide if I want to move back or not, but I have a couple of weeks to decide. This decision has gone into prayer ALOT. If anybody else wants to add that to your prayer list, please do.
That's the gist of the "haps" in my life. Some exciting, some not-so-exciting. Hopefully this list entertained you for a bit because it definitely gave me something to do while waiting to get off work.

Til next time...


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