Live by Faith

Well I had an interview in Tomball this weekend (the town my parents live in), and it went well. The job entails some graphic design and fashion, which is basically what I got my degree in. If they offered the job and paid enough, I would probably take it.  

I also talked to a fashion designer in town who started his own business, and he talked to me for about an hour on how to launch my own and said he would help me. If everything worked out, and I got the job, I could also start the business I've been dreaming of since my first year as a fashion design student. It would just make sense to move home, wouldn't it?

That got me thinking about whether I could live at home again and if it would be right for me. I've grown up and changed a lot, and Austin seems to fit my lifestyle and interests more, but what if Tomball has some hidden gems that only God can see right now?  

It was actually a relief to come back to Austin today. Things make sense here. Life is simple.  I don't have to deal with change because everything is finally intact. I don't want to leave my job or the people I have grown to love. I don't want to leave my church and the community I have here. I don't want to leave the live music, the lakes and hills, the social events, the adventure and opportunities.

But who knows? Maybe a slower pace of life is what I need right now. Maybe family is what I need. Only God knows. I can't make up my mind on what I want, so I'm leaving it in His hands. 

Meanwhile, I went to a podunk church today with my parents, and there was literally like 50 people there, and I was one of the youngest. But I liked one of the prayers in the bulletin, and it spoke truth to my soul, so I'll share it here: 

Holy God, you call us to live in mystery, to walk by faith.
Yet we long for plans with goals and schedules. It's hard to live by faith.
You call us to place our trust in you, to live according to your direction.
Yet we want life to make sense from a human point of view. It's hard to live by faith.
You call us to feel the mystery of life, to marvel at the power of your love.
Yet it's not easy to accept your promise that everything old has passed away. It's hard to live by faith.
Forgive us, Holy Maker of reality.
Forgive us for playing god instead of accepting our humanity. 

I don't know where God will take me in the next couple of months. I don't know what decisions to make. All I can do at this point is to live by faith. Isn't that what got me here in the first place?


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