Art & Spirit Retreat

I spent the weekend in Gonzales, Texas on a retreat with Imagine Art, an art ministry for the disabled that I volunteered for. It was a lovely weekend spent with authentic people, creating art and connecting with nature. One of the highlights of the trip: I got baptized! I had planned on getting baptized at my church, but it was great to get "reborn" in a more intimate setting with a ministry that has provided much healing in my life. I will now always celebrate "Sink-o" de Mayo in a new way! I decided to let go of my own plans for my life and let God create His story through the difficulties and situations He has placed me in.

I also got to be in a play, go fishing and hiking, watch baby birds get fed in their nest, and started reading a book called "Life Without Limits" by Nick Vujicic, a guy born without arms or legs. It's an incredibly inspiring book, and if you think you have it bad, I require you go find a bookstore or library and read it NOW! It will give you a sense of purpose in your life, no matter how hard things seem to be.  The bigger your limitations, the more advantage you have in God using your life.

The reason the book touched my heart is because I've been struggling to find my place in the world. What does God want me to do? What does He have planned in my life? He has kept me single, and although it can feel like a limitation at times, I know that God can still use me.  Does God still want me to stay in Austin? Or does He want to take me on higher adventures? Better yet, does He want me to return home? I have a crossroads coming up at the end of July, and I want answers. I want Him to tell me which direction to go. But I know God doesn't always shed light on our next steps.


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