Happily Ever After
But here's the thing: we were created for Happily Ever After. Our hearts and souls long for the eternal ending we were made for, when good finally trumps evil and the bad guys are locked up forever. But we are constantly trying to achieve it with things of this fallen world. We think, "Oh, I will just live happily ever after when I..."
- Graduate high school
- Go to college
- Move out on my own
- Change cities
- Get a job
- Get a promotion
- Reach my dreams
- Get married
- Have a baby
- Send the kids to college....
... and the cycle continues until we are left at the end of our lives, still craving our perfect ending. The thing is, folks, we will never achieve it on this side of heaven. The only thing that will give us our storybook ending is when His Kingdom comes. When He takes us home to our real home, and we inherit our promised glory.
Don't stop believing in the magic of life. Don't stop believing in Happily Ever After. We were made for a perfect ending. It speaks into our bodies and souls.
We will see good conquer evil.
We will see the bad guy get what he deserves.
We will see the bad guy get what he deserves.
We will see the princess get her Prince.
And we will live Happily. Ever. After.
And that's not The End. It's only the beginning... of eternity in heaven. Endure His story because it is far from over.