Closed Doors

Here's the thing about closed doors: they free you from your idols. We tend to cling to things for our security, thinking they can free us from the despair that is crouching at our door, the hopelessness that is waiting for us just around the bend. Even when there's a giant wall blocking us from our idol, we try to find ways to dig a tunnel under it or climb over it, so we can make it to that one door of escape.

But God works in different ways.  He knows what it takes to get us where He needs us to go. If that means closing the one door we set our hearts on, then His plans must be far better than ours. When all the doors to our idols become closed, we have to face the desert we've been avoiding- the desert of broken dreams, loneliness, and all the things we thought our idols would save us from.

Closed doors are our ticket to freedom, and the pathway to get there is through the desert, where hope exceeds reality and its nearest companion is despair. If you are in the desert, don't lose heart. God takes those He loves through the desert. When He continues to close the doors to your dreams or desires, He is calling You closer to Him. He is giving You freedom. He is answering your prayers in a better way because He knows your heart's true desires and true needs.

Allow the desert to break you, to remake you, to break down your idols and insecurities and rough edges. Allow it to turn your face to God, to rely on Him, to surrender to Him. Don't waste the desert or try to escape it by your own means. Let God use it for His good.  Turning back to our idols will only make the process harder and longer. 

Another thing that is liberating is realizing that we're not in control. At first this is frustrating because we realize we are helpless in controlling our futures. But this leads us to rely on Him and watch Him work out His plan. We are free to be human and cease trying to play god in our own lives.

Closing the doors to our idols opens up room for healing. Letting go of our need to have that "one thing" allows God to take control and break us so He can build us back up, stronger than before.

I will rebuild you on a foundation of sapphires and make the walls of your houses from precious jewels.   --Isaiah 54:11

What one thing in your life do you need to let go of? What door do you need to allow God to close so He can open up better doors of opportunity and freedom? What idols are you clinging to?

How are you trying to avoid the desert?

Let God take you there. On the other side is the Promised Land.


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