A Walk With God

Things have been chaotic lately. I totally abandoned my Love Dare series and went on a tangent, and then life happened, and I never got back to it.  And this blog is just another tangent.

Easter is around the corner, and I can't wait for Lent to end!  Sometimes I don't realize how much I rely on something until I give it up for 40 days. This one has been undoubtedly the hardest.

I've been overwhelmed lately, trying to manage my life and juggle 10,000 things and forgetting that God is supposed to be at the center, instead of my wishes and dreams. I finally took a rest yesterday and decided not to accomplish anything except spending time with God and nature. So I took a walk in the Greenbelt behind our apartments, and I found a table in the clearing and just sat down and prayed. I could smell the freshness of nature all around me, and I was all alone, so I just let it all out right there in the middle of nowhere, among the trees.

I love how God comforts me in my most weary of moments, when I'm feeling the most helpless. He reminds me that He has everything taken care of, that even though things are not perfect in this moment, He still has a plan, and it's a good one. That I need not worry because He will provide. That He hears the desires of my heart, and He is answering them in His own way; it will just take time. I need not be afraid.

I've got to learn to relax more and let Him take the reins.


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