My Older, Wiser Self
Sometimes I wish I could speak to my older, wiser self and have her speak perspective into my life right now. I want her to tell me how things turn out later on down the road, so I will know that all the things I'm doing today are headed in the right direction. I want her to tell me that all the problems I face today will get solved; things will get better. I want her to tell me that all the work I am putting in towards my goals will pay off. I want her to tell me that my prayers will be answered, and it will be good. :)
I can't believe how busy my life has gotten lately. I've been putting in a lot of hours towards raising support for my mission trip, and I don't mind it at all because I enjoy the relationships I'm building with the people I'm serving. It's been great to get out of my comfort zone and into somebody else's world for awhile. It puts perspective on my tiny little world.
In the midst of all the busyness today, I found a quiet moment when I was walking to my car. The sun had already gone down, and the moon and stars were out in the night sky. There was a soft breeze flowing in, and I finally took a chance to breathe it all in. Something about the cosmic world always brings me into prayer. When I look back on where I have come from and where I am today, I am very happy with where God has taken me. Although things are not exactly as I'd wish them to be, I still have a lot to be grateful for.
Sometimes I still have doubts about where I am or if I'm making the right decisions. I know as long as I trust God and allow Him to direct my steps, the end result will always be good. I will not always remain in the wilderness. Eventually, I will find the Promised Land.
I can't believe how busy my life has gotten lately. I've been putting in a lot of hours towards raising support for my mission trip, and I don't mind it at all because I enjoy the relationships I'm building with the people I'm serving. It's been great to get out of my comfort zone and into somebody else's world for awhile. It puts perspective on my tiny little world.
Sometimes I still have doubts about where I am or if I'm making the right decisions. I know as long as I trust God and allow Him to direct my steps, the end result will always be good. I will not always remain in the wilderness. Eventually, I will find the Promised Land.