Love is Not Jealous

I think the hardest thing for a single in their late twenties is to not envy those in strong relationships with people they love. Any time I see another engagement on Facebook, it is another reminder of God's delayed promises. Recently, my cousin became engaged (who is younger than I), and my first reaction was envy and a little bit of anger towards God for not providing the same way He has provided for others. After checking my heart, I realized this was not loving towards my cousin, and there is no reason to feel this way because I am not lacking- God has provided sufficiently for my life, and I need to recognize His blessings.

These things will not end after attaining a spouse. There will always be something to covet- somebody's house, their children, their income, etc., so it's best to check this heart matter at the door and leave it there. Plus, people are aware when others are not happy for their successes, and it greatly impacts a relationship when one feels they are not truly supported by a friend. It provides a great amount of freedom to be grateful for how God has blessed us, rather than comparing how He has blessed others. Not only does it improve our relationships with people, but we have a better view of God and His blessings.

Next up on the list- Day 9- Love Makes Good Impressions.

How do you greet your friends, coworkers, and neighbors? How about acquaintances and those you meet in public? It’s not just about your friends, however. Jesus noted in His Sermon on the Mount that even pagans speak kindly to people they like. That’s easy for anyone to do. But He took it a step further and said that being godly included being humble and gracious enough to address even your enemies with kindness.

Today’s Dare

Think of a specific way you’d like to greet your friends today. Do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect your love for them.


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