Riding the Sails

Things are going good. I decided to lay low for awhile to work on things quietly in the background. I've missed this blog and wanted to write, but to tell you the truth, I've been stumped on what to say.

It's nice to just ride the sails for awhile, to take life one day at a time, to accept things as they are. I have been given everything I need to live a fulfilled life, so it's nice to stop striving and just relax and enjoy. I still go after my dreams, but I feel that God puts obstacles in my way to slow me down and turn my eyes to Him.

Life is never going to be perfect. There's always a struggle of some sorts, and they are put there to allow growth. I'm learning to accept that the lot God has given me is for my benefit and there is good in every situation, obstacle or circumstance. Things don't always pan out how we hope or plan, but we have a choice to see the positive. God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we hope, but we have a choice to trust.

It's hard to find balance sometimes. I want to use my time and energy for other pursuits, but I have been given a full-time job and other obligations. I've been reading blogs about life in third world countries, and it compels me to want to save the world, to quit my story and start a new one, but I know there are opportunities around me to fulfill the purpose God has given me. I don't have to look elsewhere. I don't have to quit my story. I have a responsibility for the circumstances I have been given, and I intend to fulfill it. Until He has decided that my story here is finished, I am here to stay.


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