Bigger and Better Dreams
I'm fighting between what I want for my life and what God wants for my life. The stronger I get in my relationship with God and the more I read His Word, the more I realize that my mission in life is to help other people around the world and to lead others to Him. That is my call as a Christian. I have other goals in my life (get published, write music, and so forth), but sometimes I feel that my time can be better spent seeking out the lost and helping those around the world. I have asked God what to do with my dreams, and He says, "Keep writing. I will use it." I don't know how my dreams coincide with His, but I know He will use them. I have asked Him to replace my dreams with His dreams for my life, and maybe He is slowly doing that. I know that His dreams are bigger and better than mine, more satisfying and fulfilling. He has a larger purpose for me, and I want to know what that is. Maybe He is quietly revealing it to me without my realizing it. Maybe that's...