Fighting Our Battles

God has been so gracious with me lately. My sponsor and I have been working through a lot of heart matters, and she assigned me to find my identity in Christ through verses. Recovery has been an intense process, peeling back layers of hurt, resentment, regret, and fear. It's been a humbling experience. It's not easy to share my deep, dark secrets with somebody, much less a person who originally knew nothing about me. I didn't realize how much of the past I was holding onto and how much it was affecting my present. God has redeemed me in so many ways, and His work isn't done.

One of the scriptures I found helps me to know that God is always with me, fighting my battles for me. I don't have to do this all alone. I don't have the strength to anyhow. Here is what the Bible says:

Do not be afraid! Don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow, march out against them... but you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand firm and watch the Lord's victory. He is with you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
2 Chronicles 20: 15-17

I see my fears as a mighty army that I am trying to fight. Usually, my fears conquer me because I am trying to fight them alone, and sometimes I end up running from them. But with God on my side, I can face my fears head on, and I don't have to fight because God will fight them for me, as long as I stand firm in faith.

The past eight months have been an intense battle of allowing God to take control of my life and letting go of the dependencies I used to cling to. Most of the troubles that used to plague me have subsided, and I can feel the calm nature of God taking over those anxieties.


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