
How are your resolutions coming along so far? I've been doing a good job of focusing on my goals this year of getting into grad school. I have a very disciplined list of what I should spend time on this year, and what I shouldn't spend time on this year. One thing I would like to spend less time on this year is FACEBOOK. It is the bane of my existence. I can't believe how much time can pass on there without me even realizing it. It's like, I go on just to check ONE THING, and then all of a sudden, I'm checking out pictures of a person I hardly even know. It is such a sickness. So I have decided to have a specific destination when I get on the computer so I don't end up spending hours on facebook.

Lately, when I get on the computer, I am looking up schools to study abroad at. I am hoping to apply to the Rotary scholarship, which would allow me to study abroad for a year, while doing community service in my chosen country. Just one of the many goals on my list this year.

When it comes to personal goals, I mentioned in a previous blog that I want to put God first and allow Him to make the decisions in my life. Sometimes it's hard to allow God to fix my problems. I am so used to trying to fix things myself, and I usually end up making a bigger mess. This is just our tendency as humans, and everyone struggles with it. I came across some words of wisdom, which also come from the twelve-step program. I'll share them here:

Willingness is the essential factor for us to make a significant change in our lives. Our Higher Power will do the rest, just as we have been promised. God is now and always has been waiting to do for us what we can't do for ourselves, and it's time to let Him.

We never have to let the behavior of anyone else decide what our behavior needs to be. If we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves, we will get the power we need from "the One who has all Power," and that power will enable us to be who we really want to be.

This is so hard for me to understand sometimes because I have a tendency to try to fix others, instead of letting them take responsibility for their own lives. This is just the ways of a codependent. Not only that, but I also have a tendency to expect others to take responsibility for my life. It's a pretty backwards situation. But through God's power, like the statement said, I can learn to undo this unhealthy pattern. That is another resolution of mine this year, among the many.

Hope your first week of 2011 is going great, and that you haven't given up on your resolutions just yet!


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