Taking My Time

One of the resolutions on my long list this year is to take my time. I never realized how much time I wasted on pointless activities until I tried to sit down and do the meaningful activities, and I got restless. I have a hard time focusing on the things I really want to do because I get overwhelmed. And what do I do when I get overwhelmed? I do what's easy: procrastinate. Get on facebook. Check my email for the umpteenth time. It's tireless, and it gets me nowhere to reaching my goals.

For the past 4 days, I've been sick and stuck in my apartment. I'm a person who gets cabin fever very easily, so this was hard for me. For hours, I would read books, get on the Internet, sleep, then start all over. After the 3rd day, I got sick of the internet and the same self-help books and decided I needed to change something. I felt like I was wasting my time and not getting anywhere towards my goals this year. How often do I sit down and try to write a song on guitar, or learn to play better? How often do I sit down and write a novel? These are things that I'm passionate about, but for some reason, I don't make time for them because I get overwhelmed. There's too much to learn. I'm so far behind. And the longer I don't take the time to learn them, the further behind I get.

So on my 4th day of being sick, I finally decided to take my time. I took my time on the phone with my mom, and we had a great conversation. I took the time to play my guitar, and I wrote an amazing song that I hope to record. I took the time to feed my soul, and I came to know God better. Amazing things happen when you take the time.

I hope this year I can start feeding my life with what's really important to me, and when I get overwhelmed, I will not give up, but slow down. Slow down and take the time. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Slow down and actually live a life that fits me and feeds my soul.

What's important in your life that you're not taking the time to do?


Lisa said…
I love this. And I SO know how you feel about wasting time!!! My goal is to start small, with facebook....since I post at least 1 or more statuses a day, my goal is to get to posting only 3 or 4 a week. Then work from there. I feel like I need to slow it down bigtime right now, because once the baby is here, I doubt I will have time to slow it down....at least for awhile. Anyway, enjoy your time taking it slow.....God will give you the opportunities you want when the time is right. :)

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