In the Valley

Lately I've been aching for familiarity. It's been awhile since I've been home- 6 weeks. It doesn't sound like a long time, but I usually go home every 4 weeks, so I'm finding myself a little homesick. I took a walk throughout the mall, and every time I go to the mall, I get nostalgic because it reminds of my Express days, when I had more sense of direction and more financial stability, when things were alot easier and I had work friends to see everyday. Sometimes I wonder why I ever left because I have struggled so much for the past year, but I know that if I had stayed, I would have made a very large mistake. God takes us where He needs us to go.

So my nostalgia really got me questioning my current life, where I'm going, where I've been, and where I want to go. I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life. I've been doing alot of changing and alot of growing, alot of questioning and re-evaluating. And I have to say, it's mind-numbing.

We had a sermon recently that talked about the promises of God, and when we are in the valleys of our lives, it's hard to believe those promises. But every time we go to God, He just responds with the same promises. I definitely feel like I'm in the valley of my life. I keep looking to God, asking "Why have You forsaken me?" and He keeps responding with, "Wait on Me, and you will see." It's frustrating, and sometimes I just want to throw my Bible across the room and say, "Yeah right." But since God is all I really have at this time, I have no other choice but to keep trusting Him.

I looked back on some past posts, just to get some perspective, and I can see the ways in which God has grown me and strengthened me. I can see where He is leading me. And I'm sure in a year from now, I'll think the same thing about my life now. So I have no choice but to trust that everything will work out for good. It always does.


Robert H. said…
I can totally relate to your comment "I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life." That seems to be my thought daily and it gets frustrating.

One statement I heard last night on the radio that I liked about the Valleys was something like "everyone likes mountaintop experiences and loves the view from there but its the valleys that give the mountains definition and so our valley experiences help define our mountaintop experiences"

You're so right though...while in the valley it's all about trusting God as He leads because He will bring good things. The words God gave me say it all..."Praise and thank Him always for He is guiding your steps."

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