Wading the Waters

A challenge that I have had to face in my life is letting my circumstances get the best of me. It's hard to see the light when you're focused on the darkness. I know what kind of life I want, and I won't give up until I get there, but sometimes it's so easy to give up when it doesn't look like things are going to change, when everything around me is just same-old, same-old not where I want to be. I know we are called to be grateful for what we have, but what if what we have is bringing us down and stealing our soul away? I know that changing my life starts with changing myself, but it becomes all-too-easy to follow the familiar path when things get a little risky. This is another challenge I have had to face in my life. I'm trying to learn to take more risks to get the life I want. It takes one step at a time. It takes jumping in the pool instead of wading in the waters.

It took a huge leap of faith to move to Austin. But I soon learned that until I changed who I am inside, my life wouldn't change much on the outside. I have grown alot, and still have more to grow. I am hoping that my life continues to become better as I try to pursue my dreams. I will try to blog more about the kind of changes I want to make. For now, I am still wading the waters.


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