Memorable Memorial

I can't believe it's already June! July will mark my one-year anniversary of moving to Austin, and I have to say, despite my struggles here (and there are many), it was definitely a good move on my part. I look forward to see what's in store for me for the next year.

With that said, I had a great Memorial weekend. I caught up on some very much-needed sleep, did some writing, hanging out with people, then finished off the weekend with some kayaking on the lake and a pool party with friends, which reminded me why I moved here in the first place (the great outdoors).

I have met so many people here in Austin, and it's interesting to see these people become my friends. Although our differences can rub each other the wrong way, I have come to learn how to let my guard down and let people see the vulnerable side of me, which isn't easy to do. I have always been shy and a closed book when it comes to revealing myself, but I have come to learn the satisfaction in letting people read a few chapters in my book and not keep it so tightly shut and hidden. My hopes are that in the next year (as I reach my godforsaken later twenties) that I find a freedom in my vulnerability and not be so afraid to let it all hang out.

I am also hoping to get more involved in this beautiful city of mine. I am planning a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in August, and this will be my first overseas mission trip (hopefully the first of many). I have wanted to do this since high school, and I have only gone overseas for leisure, so this will be my first time in a developing country. I am also hoping to do Habitat for Humanity whenever I decide to wake up early on a Saturday morning.

My job here has been great (much better than retail), but I am realizing how important it is for me to have a creative career. I have put much thought into grad school, and I am hoping to apply to UT for an MFA in Creative Writing. The odds of me getting in are one in a million, but what have I got to lose by trying? If I get in, then God's will. If not, then He obviously has something better in store.

To my people in Houston, I would just like to say that I miss all my family and friends there, and I have not forgotten you. I still wonder sometimes if I should go home to the people who love and care about me, but there is a strong force holding me here. I will always visit home and keep in touch with those I know and love. And who knows? Maybe in the future, the universe will guide me back home. But for now, Austin is where I reside.

I hope to keep up with this blog and use it for the benefit of others. If there is anything you would like to see or read in this blog, feel free to leave me your comments. This blog is for you (the reader), so lend me your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!


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