Surrender to God

Something I have been learning lately is how to give it all to God. I have been worrying too much about my love life and "when the heck is he gonna get here?" and the fact that I hate being single, when I could be using that energy on much more productive aspirations. So instead of fighting with God to hurry the hell up, I have decided to wave my white flag and surrender to Him. I will let Him do His work so I can focus on mine. Because that's all I really can do. And not only am I giving Him my love life, but I am handing over all areas of my life. That way, I have alot less weighing down on me throughout the day.


Robert H. said…
Know the feeling and struggle with that too. I found myself handing it over to God then taking it back then handing it over again and taking it back.

Couple of books that you may want to read (I found them to be good) is I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris (The title doesn't mean what you may think) and Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge.

Joshua Harris' book deals with this exact topic and helps grapple with singleness and how to embrace it and use it for God's Glory. Captivating is less on singleness and more on just having the right focus which is important too. You're definitely on the right track.

-Robert H.

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