Hope and Healing

I think my life is on a good track. I have found healing in these past few months that I've been away from home. I have found healing in a new relationship that focuses on God, rather than selfish desires. I have found healing by dating a guy who is not manipulative but who cares enough about me to wait for certain things, rather than fulfill his instant gratification. I have found healing knowing that I am worth the wait, that I am beautiful just as I am, that I am talented and smart. I have found healing in godly friends who care about me enough to pray for me and listen to my problems and be honest about their own, rather than condemn me for mine and pretend they're perfect. I have found healing in distancing myself from certain people, certain environments. I have discovered a newfound hope for my life and myself. For awhile, I gave up, thinking that I could never do this or that because so many bad things have happened in my life. But I am starting to believe again. Believe in my hopes and dreams and plans. It's taking longer than I hoped, but God pulls through just at the right time. He always has.

I have faced my own demons out here. I have faced my biggest fears and learned that they weren't so big after all. I have learned what my true desires are by going after them. I have grown an incredible amount of self-respect and self-worth. I am becoming more and more everyday the woman that God has called me to be, a woman I always wanted to be but never thought I could ever attain. She is getting closer with every trial and tribulation.


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