Day One in the Studio

My first recording session went AMAZING!!!! This is the start to something beautiful and terrific. I have wanted to do this for a long time, and I can't believe it's finally here, and it is everything I ever hoped for. The second I walked into the recording studio, my adrenaline rushed, and I knew it was exactly where I was meant to be. I was meant to do this. At first, I was so nervous to be singing and playing in front of a complete stranger, or in front of anyone for that matter, and my voice wasn't up to par. But once I got comfortable and we recorded a few more tracks, my voice got better, and I eased up, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I can't wait to record more songs! I wish I had done this a long time ago. I could be on the road by now! So my recording engineer really likes my voice and my music, which was really encouraging. He told me everything I wanted to hear and more.


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