A Box of Old Dreams

I went digging through a box of notebooks and magazines today, trying to purge the junk, and I came across a list of goals and universities I wanted to attend, and it reminded me of how much zeal, how much passion I had for life before the "real world" bogged me down with work, work, and more passionless work. And then I wondered, what if I had gone on to attend those schools and had gone after those goals? Would I have made it? Where would I be right now? I feel that my life has gone very slow since graduating college, and by slow, I mean, the things that I want in life have come very slowly. Maybe it's good that way because I get time to enjoy it, but at the same time, I feel that I have settled for less. I feel that I could get so much more out of life if I just confront my fears, doubts, and worries and just do whatever it is that I want to do. Because then atleast I'll know if that's really want I want out of life and I never have to wonder what if? Atleast I'll be one step ahead of the game, and maybe I would get more out of life if I stopped settling for less. I don't want to get stuck where I am. As I get older, it becomes harder to think outside of the box. We get cozy and comfortable, and we settle. The more responsiblity we have to take, the harder life seems to get. And I think that's why we finally say, "To hell with it," and we plop down wherever we are, and we don't budge. Or maybe the reason we don't move anymore is because we get so bogged down with regrets and resentments, and it gets too heavy to move. What if we let go of all that weight? Would it be easier to get up and keep walking, keep living, keep moving? My, how life works in funny ways.


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