Embrace Where You Are

I haven't updated this in awhile it seems. Alot has gone on in my life here in Austin. I am now in a relationship- my first boyfriend in 5 years- and it's a big, scary step for me because I'm unsure about being committed. There's alot of reasons for that, which I won't get into today.

There are certain things I like about my life here and some things I detest. I won't get into that much today either. But I do want to talk about what God has done in my life here lately.

The sermon yesterday talked about how we are exactly where God wants us to be, even if we hate it, and that really changed my perspective on my job because I absolutely hate it! There is a purpose behind my shitty job, my new relationship, my being in Austin, and everything else in my life right now, even if it all doesn't work for me. And our responsibility is to just embrace it because God has a purpose behind everything in our lives.

I'm still unsure on whether or not I will stay here or move back home in July. It really depends on alot of things, but for now I'm here, and I might as well just embrace it.

So now I am embracing everything that is in my life.


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