25 Lessons in 25 Years

Written last year:

In light of my 25th birthday, I would like to impart to you 25 lessons I have learned in a quarter of a century. Enjoy!
1. Be gentle. People are fragile. And words dig deep.
2. People can be cruel sometimes, but it has more to do with them than it does with you.
3. Our actions have a butterfly effect, so act wisely.
4. Our beliefs have a profound impact on our life.
5. Sometimes it is okay to let go of people. Sometimes it is vital to sever the ties.
6. Trust God even when things look bleak because only He can see around the corner.
7. Relationships are the most important thing in life. They are the only things that continue after death. That includes relationships with people and your relationship with God.
8. Relax. Most of the things you stress over aren't really worth it.
9. It is our job to love people, especially difficult people because they need it the most.
10. Never avenge yourself. God is much better at it, so leave it in His hands.
11. Let go of guilt. It does you no good. God has already forgiven you, and you are only condemning yourself.
12. Don't act out of anger. You will always do something you will later regret.
13. Our attitude taints everthing around us, so make it positive. (see #4)
14. We choose how to live. There is no one to blame except ourselves. The responsibility is ours to have a good life, regardless of our past or how other people treat us. There is no excuse.
15. Pride inhibits peace.
16. Regrets are usually relational in nature. (see #12)
17. Pay attention to the reflections you get from others. If it isn't beautiful, maybe you should change your projections.
18. We are only as sick as our secrets.
19. Don't rush God's timing. You may miss out on His greatest gifts.
20. Don't try to fix your own life. Leave that in God's hands because He does a better job, and we can only mess things up even more.
21. Life is a gift. We are not here by accident.
22. When things look hopeless and depressing, it's usually a sign that we've lost perspective of what really matters.
23. Try to please God rather than people. The first one counts for eternity; the latter is futile.
24. Our struggles are only tests. It is not God punishing us. No, God is only trying to take us higher.
And last but not least...
25. Love is ultimately everything.


Avatar said…
I'm glad I came across your blog today. You shared your wisdom from the experienced you had in your life for 25 years. Everyone from every age can learn valuable lesson for their life from your post. Happy new year. Thank you.

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