Resolutions for 2014
Things I resolve to do in 2014: Consult God before all my decisions. With all the opportunities that will be coming up soon, I will have to make some quick decisions. I just want to make sure they're the right ones because these decisions can direct the rest of my life. Eat healthier and start exercising regularly. My body is getting older, and with my 30th birthday coming up, it's high time I start taking my diet more seriously. Time to have more self-discipline in what I eat and treat my body as a temple. Learn music theory. Now that I'm finally putting my music out there for others to enjoy, I want to write more and better songs. The biggest skill that would help me is music theory (basically the mathematics of music). This would help me create better chord progressions, which I struggle with now. Spend more time with God in the mornings. I usually drag myself out of bed in the mornings and rush to work. I want slower, more peaceful mornings. The times that I succ...