Our Power

I realized today something very important and life-changing: I subconsciously guide my own life. Even when my life is not going where I want it to, I subconsciously brought it there. That means I can also subconsciously bring my life out of it and through it and on to something better. I read through some journals of mine from the past couple of years, and it's funny how the things I wished for 2 years ago have somehow come about in some form or another. That means the things I wish for today will somehow come about also, which is awesome, but it's also scary because: what if my subconscious is guiding me towards things that I don't want? How often do I think negative thoughts in a day? And how powerful these thoughts really are. It's scary. We guide ourselves into our life's messes. I have guided myself out of alot of my past messes, but some of it has stayed with me because I subconsciously haven't moved on from them. Strange, but true. And scary (I know I keep saying this, but it is scary to think of how much power we have over our own lives). So with this knowledge, I should really start keeping my thoughts positive if I want to move in the direction that I truly want.

Think about it.


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