Flying Out of the Nest

So... things have been a constant see-saw for me in Austin. Living on my own has proven to be quite a challenge, and has emitted quite a number of headaches and stress-induced panic attacks. But things are good for today... at this very moment, so I decided to do an update while my hopes are still high.

My life has been pretty eventful here, I must say. In Houston, I was just living in my dreams, wishing for a better life, which is what brought me to Austin in the first place. And I have to say, living your "dreams" is alot less glamorous starting out. It's a constant struggle, but I know that if I trust God, He has redemption waiting for me just around the corner. And blessings. So I am being as patient as possible, while trying not to lose my mind.

Sometimes I miss the comfort and ease of home, but I know that if I went back, I would feel like I gave up everything I ever fought for, everything that I'm struggling and striving for, and I am not yet ready to compromise my dreams for comfort and ease. I think it will get better if I stay on the path I'm on and not look back, keep looking forward.

I am finally starting to look into doing the things that I love and getting more involved. I have found a few writer's groups that I am looking to join, which will get me going on my greatest passion, which will in turn make my life alot easier to live. I think that will jump start me into enjoying my life here more, esp if I am sharing my passion with other fellow writers.

I took some acting classes when I first got here, and then did nothing with it. So I am now updating my acting resume, looking up casting calls, and planning to get my headshots done when I am able to spend the money.

To answer other questions, no I have not met any "love" potentials. I think maybe that's a good thing at this point in time because I have been so unstable that a guy would just distract me from everything I need to be doing. So I am settling with my singledom for now until I can get my life at a better place and become more mentally stable because honestly, I think I would just drive a guy crazy at this juncture in time.

All in all, I am definitely learning alot out here through my stress and struggles, and I know that eventually, everything will get better, and I'll meet more people who share more common interests with me as I pursue my passions, and hopefully, I'll start making more money if I take the initiative to put myself out there.

We'll see how everything goes. Stay tuned.


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