Familiar Faces, Places

Feels sooo good to be home! Went to the coffee shop on Main Street in Tomball with my mom, had a nice little chat, and realized how much I grew up in the past month. I love being home and all, but I think I'm doing well for myself by living in Austin. I think it's good to keep my distance because that's the only way I'll grow. It's so nice to see familiar faces, familiar places with a fresh new perspective. I have to say, I'm in a good spot in my life. Even though it's challenging for me to live on my own and pursue my dreams, there is so much good going on beneathe the surface, and I think that's what really matters. I don't regret my decision to move AT ALL. I think it has pushed me to face my fears and live a better life. I hope I can go back to Austin with a better perspective, knowing how much good is coming out of this experience. Seeing how much better off I am and how much I'm growing and becoming a better person has made me very grateful for where I am in my life right now. So... I'm very glad for everything. Sometimes day to day life can get very hard, but when you step back and look at things objectively, you can see that everything is slowly getting better. Day by day.


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