Leap of Faith

Things are going exceptionally well for me. I think God has been speaking to me lately, and it's always good to hear from God after a long bout of silence. Things are moving forward for me (finally!), and I feel like I am finally getting everything where it needs to be. It's scary bc I'm having to face some challenges and fears, but I think that's what life is all about sometimes, esp. if you ever want to get where you want to get. I was living pretty stagnant for awhile, getting a little too comfortable with mediocrity, but I'm back on the path of accomplishing my goals and going after my dreams. I think I just settled and gave up for awhile bc I just didn't see a way, but after taking one giant leap of faith, I realized that's what it takes to get anywhere in life. One giant leap of faith. 

So I will be leaving for Austin in a month, and I am beyond excited, but also a little scared and sad, but I have enough faith in God at this point to get me there. I just hope I can keep that faith when I get there. I know it's going to be a challenge, but I believe God will take care of me in times of trouble. Wooh!  Looking back on some of these blogs, I realized this is the move I needed to take that whole time. Looking back, I can see where my perspective went all wrong. And man, was I losing it, but it's so good to have a positive outlook again. 

I was waiting for God to make a move in my life, while God was waiting for me to make a move in my life. Wow, how I had it backwards. I've also learned that sometimes your friends will not be there behind you 100%, and you just have to go on without them bc you have God's support, and His is the only one you need in the end- the only one you need to go on.  I know God is backing me up 100%, and I know who God wants me to be, and I want to be that person. So I am moving on... and moving forward with my life... one giant leap of faith at a time.  Let's see where it takes me. 


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