A Desolate Place

It's been awhile since I've made a post, mostly because I just haven't felt inspired to write. Actually, I haven't been inspired AT ALL. Things in my life are just bland right now, and I don't have enough around me to keep me motivated. Work is tiring and doesn't pay enough, I'm tired of living with my parents, and I just don't have much of a social life to keep me going. The social life I do have consists of people that I have little in common with, besides a few close friends, so the more I spend time with them, the less fulfilling I feel. I guess that's just it. I don't feel fulfilled. I feel very empty and devoid of any meaning right now. I need to be out and about. I'm a person who needs alot of excitement and adrenaline in my life, and Houston just doesn't have it for me. I need to be around people my own age who are just as adventurous and ambitious as me, who lift me up instead of tear me down, who bring out the best in me.

Maybe God has a reason to keep me here. Maybe there are loose ends to be tied up, lessons to be learned. I'm sure in due time, God will send me elsewhere. Maybe He is preparing me for a bigger day. Maybe I don't know what's around the corner. I just know that something needs to change. Something better needs to happen soon before I lose it. Because whatever this is, it isn't working. I can only change my perspective so much before I realize that this just isn't the place for me. Why am I still here? And I don't mean here on Earth- I enjoy my life. But why am I here in Houston, living with my parents, working in retail, surrounded by these people? These are not my dreams. Doesn't God want to take me to a better place? Doesn't He want to bless me? Why does He hold me down in a place like this? I just don't understand.


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