No Reason to Complain

Maybe I don't realize just how lucky I am. I just got a full-time job in retail when thousands of people are being laid-off in the same industry.  So many people are being affected by the economy, but God has chosen to bless me financially and give me a better income.  And even though He has chosen to bless me, I still find ways to be dissatisfied with my work situation: the fact that I have to leave behind familiarity, drive further, buy a whole new wardrobe, get to know new people, and I won't be getting paid as much as I asked for (though it's still more than I'm making now).  After awhile, I have to stop myself and ask, "Are you seriously complaining about this blessing?  What is wrong with you?!  You asked God to bless you, and when He did, you had the audacity to complain about it?!"  Sometimes I make myself sick.  There are people who can barely pay their bills, while I enjoy typing on my brand new $1000 MacBook, and I complain that God is not answering my prayers the way I want Him to.  Maybe I need to take a second look at what I consider a blessing.  

When you spend alot of time alone, it's easy to forget that there's other people in the world that are worse off than you.  It's easy to complain about life when you don't hear other people's stories who have it far worse.  Maybe I just need to be reminded that there are other people in the world who have greater needs than me, and maybe then I can have a better perspective on this whole job thing.  I am truly blessed.  I just don't even realize it.  I have no reason to complain. 


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