A Trip Down Memory Lane

So I took a trip to Dallas for the weekend, and it's strange how this place used to feel like home. I haven't lived here for the past year, and now it's like a strange place to me again. I know now that I don't want to move back to Dallas. Although it's a nice place, it doesn't have much culture, which is always something that bugged me about the place. I actually find myself missing people back home, and it makes me wonder how life is going to be once I do move out of Houston. I know when the time is right, I will move on. And being away from Houston for the weekend makes me see things from a different point of view. I like my life in Houston for the time being. I like the people in my life, my job, my church, my family, my house, my dreams... I know it can't last forever, but for now, this is right. I'm happy with my life right now. I'm surrounded by the people I care about, and I think some time away has given me some perspective. Tomorrow I will visit my old campus, which will definitely bring back some memories. I can't wait to see how it makes me feel, and I will probably be blogging about it, so stay tuned. But from this trip, I realized I would rather live in Austin where there is more culture, friendlier and younger people, and live music. I definitely need to take another road trip to Austin sometime. Money is tight right now, though. I feel like Dallas takes away some of my essence. I get the feeling that this place is all about money and ego. I do want to be rich someday, but I would like to keep my values along the way. I still want culture in my life, no matter how much money I have.


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