Severing the Ties

I've been out of work for a couple of days, and it has given me enough time to ponder on some things. I know God has called us to love difficult people, but how do you know when it is time to let certain people go? When they start to influence your life in a negative way? I know which people I should definitely keep out of my life. But then there are some questionable ones where I think, what would my life be like without them? When is it okay to let people go? I don't want to be picky with my friends because I know nobody is perfect, but sometimes I think my life would be better off if I found more positive influences. These are just thoughts, and I have prayed about it, but I haven't gotten an answer. So I am left to my own devices.

My pastor at church made a very powerful statement: "Maybe our non-Christian friends would be better off without Christian friends who always compromise their standards." I find myself compromising my standards with certain people, and I know I should keep these people out of my life. For a long time, I thought it was wrong to abandon people, but I'm not abandoning them by letting go. I am simply doing all of us a favor by severing the ties. I will better help and influence their life if I leave them than if I stay and compromise who I am. Because what favor am I doing to Christ if I stick around people who bring me down? It only harms everyone in the process.

So I have chosen to let certain people go. They will be better off without a compromising Christian, and I will be better off without their negative influence. I am not, by far, a prude or anything. I just know what I do and don't need in my life. I have gone through hard times, and I don't need to suffer those down times again. I have learned through the process, and I have chosen to live a better life. Therefore, I am severing the ties.


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