Old Stomping Grounds

Campus seemed smaller than it did when I attended school there. It was good to see my old stomping grounds... nostalgic. It looked the same, but it felt different. The buildings were just buildings. They were no longer big, hostile monuments of intelligence. They were old, rickety buildings that looked tired and cold. I also saw the Square where we spent many nights of fun. I had coffee at the old joint and wondered why I didn't go there more often while I was living there. I drove around town a little bit and realized how much I didn't explore and take advantage of my opportunities while I was there. I guess I just didn't want to be there. I felt trapped, and I just wanted to get out. I had alot going on within me back then. I made some new friends at the coffeeshop while I was reading a book, chillaxin. I never realized how easy it is to make friends in Denton until I didn't have to. I don't miss home at all, which is unusual. I usually get homesick, but I have no desire to go home tomorrow whatsoever. I don't miss my job, my house, my people, my town. I would like to keep driving and discover more worlds outside of my comfort zone. This trip has made me realize that maybe I can move on... maybe I am ready. I know when I get home, I'll be happy and glad to see the people I care about. But when the time comes that I do move on, I'll be ready and able.


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